Noir Art | Edwin Georgi

Noir Art Edwin Georgi

Redbook, “Old Miguel’s Girl” (1956)

I’m shocked by how little information I was able to obtain about this incredible noir artist (honestly, I forgot what life was like before wikipedia). The info I did find was fascinating.

Edwin Georgi was born in 1896 and died in 1964 at the age of 68. He was a pilot in WWI– though I was unable to gather details about his specific tour of duty. Upon returning from the war, he attended Princeton. Eventually he abandoned his education to pursue writing as a full time profession. He was very ambitious, but a turn of fate pushed him another way. He was hired on to write copy for an ad agency, but was persuaded by his employer that he would make a better painter than a writer. Thus his career in illustration began.

Remarkably, he was largely self-taught. He worked his way up the artistic food chain with experience at various ad groups and agencies. His work is known in several national publications; Cosmo, Esquire, Redbook, Ladies’ Home Journal, and The Saturday Evening Post.

Edwin’s style is striking. Very few artists exude the dynamic movement of color as he does. His paintings have a texture that is entirely unique– his staccato strokes seem akin to pointillism, and weave a mesh of breathtaking pallets. Most noir art is obsessed with light and shadow, but Edwin Georgi’s art oscillates betwixt hue and contrast. He’s one of my absolute favorite pulp/pin-up style artists, and I’m grateful to add him to NoirWhale.

Pulp Art Edwin Georgi

Saturday Evening Post, “The Flashy Type” (1958)

Edwin Georgi Noir Art

Saturday Evening Post, Story Art (1957)

Edwin Georgi

“Elizabeth Dayton was entranced with this beautiful place–but she was sure that she was being watched.”

Edwin Georgi Illustration

“Please,” she said. “Don’t start it all over. Please go away now.”

Pulp Art Edwin Georgi

Love the colors in this one

Edwin Georgi

“She stepped quickly out of her dress. She was pitifully young–and frightened to death.”

Femme Fatale Edwin Georgi

“At first her steps were hesitant and uncertain, but her confidence increased as she grew absorbed.”

Illustrator Edwin Georgi

I stared across the room. Who had chosen “Murder Will Out” for Stella?

Edwin Georgi

“Boat Fire” (19??)

Noir Artist Edwin Georgi

Redbook, “Fiesta of Love” (1957)

Edwin Georgi

Story Art (1955)

Edwin Georgi

Saturday Evening Post, “Double Jeopardy” (1958)

*Facts and Images borrowed from :


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